Surf Juniors - Boys & Girls Birth Years 2016 - 2018

What is Surf Juniors?
Surf Juniors is our introductory program based on what’s best for the players. The player’s individual skill development and enjoyment is at the heart of the program.

Surf Juniors is a 6 week program held on Mondays from 4:30-6pm at the Fort Missoula Regional soccer fields.

  • Registration $75 – includes a ball and a Surf Juniors shirt.

The Surf Juniors program is the foundation of our club. The program is designed to create an environment that allows players to have fun while learning the fundamentals of soccer. Our focus is on individual technical development and team play in a fun and safe environment. All players will learn how to play the game and not just the individual skills.

Why Join Surf Juniors?
Missoula Surf aims to be the leader in youth soccer in western Montana and we start with the best training at the youngest ages.

We are committed to placing players at the right level for their individual development, We know players develop at different rates and we are focused on meeting them where they are in their journey. All have the potential for greatness in life, we are committed to teaching them the important lessons along this journey.

All players get skilled training in addition to small sided game play and all sessions are planned using our club curriculum. Our curriculum is based on allowing the game to teach and the player to think.

Surf Juniors will meet once a week for 90 minutes. During these sessions players will play small sided games and participate in technical exercises.


Program Details:

  • 6 week season – April 21st – June 2nd
  • Location – Fort Missoula Soccer Complex
  • Ages 2016 – 2018 Boys and Girls

Registration is open

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